
-30 june-

i heard an interesting quote from a belgian, a perfect excuse:
after 2 weeks in congo, you could write a book about it
after 2 months you would only manage one chapter
then, after some years, you don't have anything to say anymore..
i walk passed some youngsters hanging around at the parking lot. a girl runs after me and steps into the elevator. needless to ask which floor she is heading for.
  • can i use your phone for two minutes?
  • no, ask your father
  • he's dead (poor thing, it might be true)
  • your mother?
  • far away, i am alone with my big sister
  • ah
  • really just two minutes
  • no- goodbye

    on my way back from the supermarket i pass the heavily fortified US embassy. i take a turn into my favourite shady lane with huge tropical trees, but security guards call out to me:
  • mister mister can't pass here
  • why? i live around the corner
  • are you american?
  • no. what's the problem?
  • you have to go around the block
  • but this is a public street, isn't it?
  • not anymore.. the americans bought it
  • ..congratulations

    today congo celebrates 42 years of independence. i went to kisangani last week. the UN investigation estimated that around 150 people were killed there by the authorities a month ago. there are around 3300 peace-keeping UN soldiers in congo, plus thousands of soldiers from neighbouring countries with various interests in the conflict. few reasons to celebrate independence..

  • Tom Tobback © 2002