Kosh Agach and beyond
I get to the wonderful town of Kosh Agach in a Lada,
accompanied by Maria who is going to sell her indigo paint and
grass brooms on the local market. She sits down in the dust at
the entrance of a little bazar, telling me to leave my bag with
her and go and explore the village. I return with a water melon I bought from
a Russian truck, and we eat, surrounded by the Kazakhs who are obviously
wondering what brought us together.
As in most Siberian towns,
Lenin still stands, but the House of Culture and the Friendship
football stadion have seen better days. I follow a horseman
heading for the mountains. After a couple of hours walking i turn
around, unfold my map of the Altay Republic, and try to recognize the
pattern of snowcapped mountains in the south, which lie in the Chinese province of Sinkiang and Kazakhstan. Through the plain a road leads east to the Mongolian border, the only official border crossing in this region where four countries come together.
A Lada approaches and leaves
me in a cloud of dust. On the top of a hill the family gets out
and starts staring at the mountains. Their faces are
weathered like the surrounding landscape; when i approach, they seem too puzzled to
ask any questions.
Go North
Tom Tobback © 2000